Writing an essay is something that each one of us has encountered during our education. Whether you are writing an application essay for college enrollment or writing an essay is part of your ongoing assignments at school or university – the fact is, it brings us a new level of stress. Everything should be perfect, and deadlines are tight. However, you don’t need to worry that much, because you can make your essay writing process less stressful – and here’s how.
Essay Writing And Accompanying Psychological Effects

No one has ever said that writing is an easy job. We can apply such a statement to essay writing as well. Essays, as shorter forms of writing, exist in almost all spheres of education, from high school, through university application – to those later academic essays. The topic of the essay may not always be our favorite choice.
However, the fact is, we must write an essay the best we can, following all the rules that exist when writing an essay. The topics, even when they are defined, can be quite broad – so it is allowed to narrow the topic to an area that will be more receptive to you. Before you start writing, you should do some research and see what has been written so far about the topic.
Also, it often happens that an essay is based on a critique or analysis of what has been written in it – which means you have to build your opinion and attitude about it. When we list all the things like this, it seems complicated and very stressful. And realistically speaking, stress is a faithful companion of all those people who write essays. So how do you get rid of it?
Stress Is Your Biggest Enemy When Writing Essays
Although moderate tension during the exam period can be useful and stimulating for energy mobilization – states of excessive stress, fear, and anxiety, can be extremely aggravating factors that sabotage your success in writing an essay. In a state of high stress – your knowledge and the ability to present it in your essay decreases.
Therefore, sometimes there is a complete blockage which results in unsatisfactory results. The reasons for pressure and stress can be different. Sometimes it is the significance of the essay for your assessment and further success. Sometimes it is personal criteria and perfectionism or life circumstances – and sometimes, high expectations of parents or the people in your surroundings.
However, this is something you need to get rid of – so that you do not end up in a situation where you are completely blocked or showing results far below your true capacity.
What Can We Do To Make Our Essay Writing Process Less Stressful?

The question of how to deal with stress is present everywhere – not only when writing essays. Therefore, you should first be aware of the fact that stress will not bring you anything good. You will not write faster or get more creative if stress catches you. So think about it in advance, and with some of these tips, try to make writing your college essay less stressful. Here are some recommendations on what to do.
Ask for help
There is nothing wrong with having someone help you in the essay writing process. On the contrary! Some people simply have different types of stress blockages. Sometimes it’s just that initial blockage: How do you start writing? Sometimes you need clarification regarding the form or style of writing. Therefore, help in thinking, writing, as well as reviewing the paper – is sometimes very significant. You can look out for different types of help on this matter. Sometimes it is good to ask fellow students and mentors if you have one – or you can turn to those who have the most experience in writing, such as https://www.homeworkhelpglobal.com/us/our-services/custom-essay-writing-services/.
You may even realize halfway through that you can do it all yourself – but advice and help of this kind will lift your sails to go faster through the turbulent waters into which the stress has dragged you.
Start writing an essay early

Tight deadlines are what most often put us in a situation where we work under pressure. However, not everyone is the same – so we do not function equally well under pressure. While for some people, this way of working is acceptable and even stimulating – for others, it is a true nightmare and a source of great stress.
Therefore, if you fall into this second category of people – start writing an essay earlier. Even if you don’t start writing – thinking about working out a topic for an essay is quite a good place to start. If you are a person that does not work very well under pressure – do not leave everything for the last week. That will most often lead to a sudden accumulation of stress that can also cause a blockage in your writing.
Be who you are
When writing in general (and this also applies to essays) – originality is highly valued. You don’t have to try at all costs to make your essay look like others that were successful. That truly means nothing in practice. The most important thing is that you be who you are. Not only will this relieve you of unnecessary stress and pressure when writing – but it will probably leave a good impression on the person who is reading your essay. Show who you are through writing on a given topic.
If you are witty, do not hesitate to show it (of course, according to the topic and form of the essay). Also, make sure to give a personal stamp to the essay in style – because it will be noticed. College professors have probably read thousands of essays and papers so far – and most of them love and want to see a paper jump out of the established pattern with its original or witty narrative.
Based on everything we’ve told you, we’re sure it’s clear to you that you’re not the only person who has panicked before writing a college essay. Take our word on this: Most students feel the same way you do. Still, it’s good to know that you can do at least something to relax and at least partially relieve tension. With the disappearance of that kind of pressure, the results will be far better. Therefore, go ahead and boldly grapple with a ‘monster’ called a college essay.